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Soundscapes and Spotlight: Unveiling the Magic of Music Production

Subject Area

The Arts



About the Course

Are you curious about the magic behind the music you love on Spotify? Have you ever wondered how gig equipment and theatre setups work? Look no further, because this subject is your ultimate gateway to the music world!

Get ready to create your very own songs using your trusty computer and learn the art of recording both bands and soloists to produce breathtaking original tracks. You’ll also discover the secrets of running a live sound system in a theatre like a pro! 

No matter if you’re a seasoned musician or just fascinated by the music-making process, this subject is tailor-made for you! We’ll guide you on how to produce your own music and even help you master the ins and outs of running a successful gig.

By the end of the semester, you’ll be equipped with awesome skills and knowledge. There is the opportunity to compose your own music, perform and host your very own spectacular event.

Learning Outcomes

By completing this subject, you will learn to:

  • Develop practical skills in music composition, production, and recording techniques using digital audio workstations, empowering you to create and produce your own original music.

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of live sound engineering principles, including equipment setup, mixing, and troubleshooting, enabling you to confidently manage sound systems for live performances.

  • Cultivate entrepreneurial skills by learning how to organize and host successful musical events, providing you with the tools and knowledge to launch and manage your own gigs and performances.

Future Study Pathways

This subject can lead to further study in:

  • VCE Music

  • VET Music Industry (Music Performance)

  • VET Music Industry (Sound Production)

Career Pathways

This subject will help you to gain skills and knowledge useful in working as a:

  • Professional Musician

  • Music Producer & Composer

  • Film Composition

  • Foley Artist

  • Event Manager

  • Advertising & Branding Manager

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